Our mission

UL MBA is committed to excellence in teaching and to fostering knowledge and understanding of business and society within a diverse, research active and socially engaged environment.

Programme learning outcomes

1.1 Knowhow and Skill – Breadth and Depth:

  1. The ability and confidence to understand the complexity of the international business environment.
  2. Develop an understanding of the contribution that different disciplines can make to effective organisations.
  3. Identify the role that a manager plays as a key decision maker and change agent.

1.2. Knowhow and Skill - Range and Selectivity:

  1. Develop skills in strategic analysis and analysis of the external environment.
  2. Develop key function skills in areas such as financial analysis, human resource analysis and skills in analysing market and product/service characteristics.
  3. Be able to successfully analyse leadership style and measure leadership effectiveness.

1.3. Competence - Context and Role:

  1. Define how competence should be demonstrated in an organisational context.
  2. Understand the differences between a management role and a leadership role.

1.4. Competence - Learning to Learn:

  1. Develop skills such as reflection, questioning, time management and prioritisation.

1.5. Competence - Insight:

  1. Understand the role of questioning and team-based learning in producing innovative and creative insights into organisational problems.

Our Values

At UL MBA we define and maintain the high standards that we set for both ourselves and our students by embodying our core values:

  • Promote Learning and Discovery
  • Future Orientation
  • Student Focused Education
  • Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Societies
  • Promote Social Responsibility and Ethical Behaviour
  • Foster International Perspectives
  • Protect Academic Freedom
  • Support Staff and Self-Development
  • Enhance Knowledge
  • Facilitate Involvement of Industry
  • Promote Access and Diversity
  • Continuously Innovate and Improve

GAC Accredited Programme

University of Limerick (Kemmy Business School) Joins the ranks of select institutions offering Project Management programmes accredited by the PMI Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programmes.

Established by the PMI Board of Directors in 2001, the Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programmes (GAC) is a specialized accrediting body that assures the quality of project management programmes at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

The GAC and PMI logos are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. For the full list of PMI’s legal marks, please contact the PMI Legal department.

Apply Online

As numbers are limited to approximately 30, please apply now to avoid disappointment. We interview once a month from January until we have the required quantity, quality and variety of students.

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Have a question?

Get in touch with our programme director, Prof. Michele O'Dwyer, who is happy to answer any questions you may have.