UL MBA Insider

Returning to education after years in the workforce can be a daunting experience. Further education often requires a big commitment in terms of time and cost, and many older prospective students may also wonder if they are be too late to discover the benefits of an MBA programme.

Learn how to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in your own career and amongst your team, apply now for your place on the UL Executive MBA.

Our world is changing. Even a quick glance at the news headlines is enough to see that shifts in global power, technological advances, and environmental factors are drastically impacting how we live. For businesses, these changes are profound, often calling for swift decisions and effective leadership.

UL executive MBA programme - self-leadership journey

While developing the leadership capacities of business leadership is seen as integral to improving performance and effectiveness in such organizations, these efforts can face significant challenges in practice. In today’s world, leaders have never been so prominent or important.

MBA leaders

Roughly 20% of the world GDP is spent on projects. Although historically prevalent in industries such as construction and engineering, more recently the more global, dynamic and competitive landscape in which organisations from SMEs to MNCs find themselves, has seen the project form of organising increase in prevalence exponentially and become a dominant organisational architec

Business men looking at tablet

Securing the support of your employer is a crucial step towards successfully undertaking any MBA programme. While the MBA programme from UL is part-time, with a defined schedule and structured assignments, it does require a significant commitment from you to complete the course. This commitment can only be reached if your employer understands how best to support your goals.

Employer sponsorship of executive education is on the rise globally. Footing the bill for an employee’s MBA represents a sizeable investment but it's one that brings a number of concrete and immediate returns:

Empowering students with the most current, relevant and applicable knowledge and insights is central to the University of Limerick philosophy for continued education.

Key to the UL MBA programme is our focus on international learning and practical application. Each cohort attends a week-long international workshop, in which we travel to a global business hub in another country and meet with industry leaders in various sectors that relate to our students’ sectors and areas of interest.

Looking to make a bigger impact in your current engineering role? Do you want to marry your technical capabilities with wider business skills? Are you ready to explore other career opportunities? If you find yourself answering yes to any of these questions, studying an MBA could hold the key to your next career move.

For many MBA candidates, the reason for their pursuing such a programme is a strong desire to progress their careers.  For UL MBA graduate Francis O'Donnell, undertaking the MBA programme enabled him to gain the clarity he needed to complete a significant career change.

Do you want to progress your career to the next level? If the answer is yes, an Executive MBA programme could be the perfect fit. Unlike traditional MBAs, the course is designed to fit seamlessly into the busy schedules of experienced, working professionals. Dr.

Balance studies, life & work

Have you ever considered undertaking an MBA? For many, the decision to undertake an MBA is often put on hold or put off because you feel it just isn't the right time.
In truth, there’s never really a “right” time to follow your dream of studying an MBA. You just have to go for it. All of the preconceived challenges and obstacles that may be holding you back can be overcome.

Mark Hussey, UL MBA graduate

I graduated with the UL MBA class of 2012-2014 and thoroughly enjoyed my journey. However, like all things in life sometimes the unexpected catches you by surprise. For me, it was a deterioration of my health. During the summer of 2013, I began to feel unwell and without a diagnosis I was getting progressively more ill.

"The MBA gave me the confidence and the tools to venture out of my comfort zone and trust and test my skills and experience in the wider industry" - Enda Corneille, Country Manager - Ireland, Emirates

MBAs are commonly used as a professional stepping stone, but how do they actually empower successful career progression? We’ve interviewed three of our graduates who have gone on to surpass their professional goals, to gather their thoughts on how graduating from a University of Limerick MBA helped achieve career progression.

ULMBA Graduation in UL Concert Hall

The value of an alumni network is often overlooked or underestimated. For many considering an MBA programme, the strength and depth of the alumni group isn’t always a decision making factor when reviewing MBA schools. This is a missed opportunity though! A strong and active alumni network can be a hugely important resource, which deserves consideration.

diversity enhances the MBA experience

You only have to review Fortune’s 2015 top 50 business people of the year to see that leaders emerge from a myriad of backgrounds; all types of professions, challenges, religions and regions. However, they all share one thing; an unrelenting drive to develop and grow, both personally and professionally.

The long held belief that MBAs are for powerful men in suits is being turned on its head. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented number of women graduating with an MBA in Ireland.

Since the UL MBA programme first started in 1984, it quickly became clear that the participants who make up each year’s programme, are the key to, and drivers of, its success.


Since the UL MBA first started in 1984, it quickly became clear that the participants who make up each year’s programme, are the key to, and drivers of, its success. We take pride in the UL MBA attracting a broad and varied group of high-calibre students each year, past groups have fused CEOs, non-profit and public body professionals, MDs, athletes, entrepreneurs and corporate execs together. It’s this diversity that brings a unique depth of experience and valuable real world insights to the programme, which literally, cannot be taught.

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